Firstever YES! Course at Khagaria, Bihar
Date : 16.4.09 to 21.4.09
Venue : Anupam Siksha Niketan, Khagaria, Bihar
No. of participants : 12
Great Experience..
Guruji was testing my patience. Course got pospond many
time in 10 days...
but i stick to my sanklpa to make course happen and finally
the course happen with 12 participant.
i used to say this when i was volunteer
we dont read History, we create History
The firstever YES! course happen at Khagaria
and i recall that line...
found very strange that few DAV school teachers didnt support us.
In fact they played role of anti-aol.
From the course find few very bright students, felt they are the chosen
here are some pics from course :
kids are doing Yoga...